Password management solution
A weak password policy is one of the biggest internal threats to cybersecurity, and the password management solution can handle it perfectly, providing a higher level of enterprise security and convenience for end users. The password management solution enables businesses to ensure that all user passwords are encrypted and stored in a secure environment. Also, the solution enables the implementation of a unified password policy for the organisation’s users, which meets the company’s internal security requirements (e.g. password complexity) and increases employee productivity by providing a convenient system for storing all passwords in one place. Finally, the password management solution ensures the secure sharing of passwords within the company or with third parties and is able to detect untrusted or leaked passwords, whose change must be initiated immediately.
Baltneta provides both software (Keeper) and solution installation, management and support services, ensuring quick implementation of the solution and its smooth further development. Also, Baltneta can contribute to the successful integration of the password management solution within the company by training end users on how to use the full potential of the solution.

Centralized password storage and management
The password management solution allows to store and manage all user passwords, SSH keys, API keys, credit card or passport details etc. in one place and to synchronize them between different user devices.
Using secure passwords
The password management solution allows you to ensure the use of secure passwords by adjusting the password complexity requirements.
Increasing productivity
With the password management solution, users no longer have to remember many different passwords or recover them if they forget. Also, the automatic filling functions allow you to perform all operations faster and more conveniently.
Password leak prevention
The password management solution checks the passwords used in the organisation, identifying those leaked on the dark web and initiates the change of such passwords.
Detection of weak passwords
The password management solution identifies passwords that do not meet security requirements and provides analytical insights into the situation of using insecure passwords in the organisation.
Secure password sharing
The password management solution allows you to securely share passwords within the organisation or with third parties and to apply the password validity limits.